Restorative Dentistry


Restore your strength and confidence with Restorative Dentistry.

This procedure can change the way your mouth looks and functions, and also redesign the appearance of your face.

Bridge is a part of Restorative Dentistry that replaces one or more missing teeth. It extends across a toothless area and is typically made up of an artificial tooth fused between 2 crowns. 

It is held firmly in place by your own teeth on each side of the missing one(s) or by dental implants.

We provide many different materials of bridges, such as porcelain with all different types, gold, and alloys. They are small and lightweight, providing excellent comfort while speaking, chewing and eating. You can have them removable or fixed. 

The difference between them is that the removable you can take out to clean them, while the fixed ones are attached right to your jaw or under your gums and only the dentist can remove it.

It is required a complete comprehensive exam and x-rays to discuss your options and make the right choice for you.


Beautiful, natural-looking smile - Restorative Dentistry

Dental crowns are small caps used to repair damage or strengthen a weakened tooth. At Bella Smile, we use advanced technologies and techniques to make beautiful, natural-looking crowns.

Tre procedure consists in attach them over the tooth, and they are carefully designed to match the shape and color of your natural teeth.

Usually they are made from porcelain, they are very strong and, with proper care, crowns can last for many years – even decades.

Typically takes two visits to place. During your first appointment, Dr. Modesto will prepare your teeth and take an impression of your tooth to go to the lab. Next, she may provide you a temporary crown until your permanent one is ready.

You will be able to live your life normally, eating all of the foods you enjoy, no matter how hard it is to bite, besides that you will have a smile to be proud of.

Composite Bonding

Smile make over you deserve! - Restorative Dentistry

A transformation starts at the first consultation where we discuss about what patients don’t like about their teeth, and what type of smile they desire.

The benefits of this procedure are extensive, and we can use dental bonding to repair the teeth that are cracked, broken, decayed or discolored. Also enhance the shape and the size of your teeth, close gaps between them, post orthodontics treatment, post periodontal treatment, cosmetic alternatives, and for receding gums.

In general, it is a very simple procedure that provides a great solution for aesthetical improvements, and it is one of the least expensive cosmetic treatments available. It is painless and (usually) does not require anesthesia, normally takes just one office visit, and your teeth will be stronger and your smile brighter.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Restore your natural look. - Restorative Dentistry

This general dentistry service offers a number of benefits to patients. It is a quick and painless treatment option that can maintain the natural appearance of your smile. Here, at Bella Smile, we can treat your cavities efficiently and with lasting results.

Tooth-Colored Fillings are used to fix different dental problems like cavities, broken teeth, and teeth that have been worn down from misuse – such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding.

During your visit, before start the process, we will administer a local anesthesia to numb the gums around your tooth. After that, we will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and fill this area applying the composite resin, which is designed to look like your natural teeth. It can also be done with gold, porcelain and amalgam.

Most people still prefer the natural-looking teeth, and the color of the composites can be closely matched to the color of existing teeth. It is well suited for use in front teeth, and whether you are laughing, speaking, or yawning, all anyone will see is your beautiful, white teeth.

This procedure can last for 10 years or more if you properly care. Be sure to make your daily oral hygiene correctly, and attend a dental exam and cleaning twice a year.

Emergency Dentist

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Meet the Doctor

Hi! My name is Daniela Modesto, I am a dentist, mother and wife. Having been in this profession for more than 20 years, I have learned that excellence in everything you do comes with education, dedication and love for what you do. At Bella Smile high quality services and attention must be a priority for our patients. Here you will find a highly trained team, which will provide you with a great experience in an extremely safe and welcoming environment, with state-of-the-art equipment constantly sterilized to ensure your safety. Book your appointment and come and meet us! You are very welcome and it will be a great pleasure to take care of you and your family.
Restorative Dentistry
In an effort to help our patients without dental insurance, we have designed an affordable alternative to maintain your preventive care. This plan is not a dental insurance, and it is eclusive to our office. It will give you the opportunity to visit our office regularly for you preventive care, and if any restorative work is needed it will also be discounted.

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Or call us: (954) 932-8028